From hand copying, we have developed to printing a. Using an event structure to pass data labview graphical. Use labview measurement data files to save data that the write. Search the worlds most comprehensive index of fulltext books. Labview, national instruments, ni, the national instruments corporate logo, and the eagle logo are.
In the introductory chapters on labview programming, we stated that an enumer. Using the event structure simplifies your block diagram, minimizes cpu usage, and handles user interface events that you could not handle in. If labview has been used recently, there will be an icon in the left panel of. Eventdriven programming in labview national instruments. G structures include while loop, for loop, case, and sequence. Using event structures for eventdriven programming an event structure works like a case structure with a builtin wait on notification function. Labview function and vi reference manual national instruments. In labview, you can use the event structure to handle events in an application. In the event that technical or typographical errors exist, national instruments reserves the right to make changes to subsequent editions of this document without prior notice to holders of this edition. The labview function and vi reference manual contains descriptions of all virtual instruments vis and functions. You can then configure those cases to handle one or more events. Start menu all programs national instruments labview. So launch labview and explore the labview environment as you read this section. Labview is designed to build graphical user interfaces guis for laboratory instrumentation also called virtual instruments vis.
Refer to the controlling instruments book on the contents tab in the. Event structure enqueues events that occur while its. Event structure labview 2018 help national instruments. In the event that technical or typographical errors exist, national instruments reserves the right to. Structures are graphical representations of the loops and case statements of. In the event that technical or typographical errors exist, national instruments reserves the right to make changes to subsequent. Learn labview 202014 fast located so as to be familiar with them when they are discussed in more detail throughout the examples. A vis can read out to a single sensor, emulate the frontface of.
When there is no event, event structures sit idle, consuming no cpu resource, contrary to a while loop, which. The timeout event when we first place an event structure on the block diagram, it will be preconfigured with only one event case that is set to handle the timeout event. Event examples are mouse enter, mouse down, value change, resize panel, timeout, close panel etc an event structure waits for an event to happen, and then executes the appropriate case for that event usually used within a while loop. Labview is started from the windows start menu as illustrated in figure 1. If your version of labview was installed using the default installation procedure, launch. Chapter 3 labview environment labview fundamentals 32. This manual is a supplement to the labview user manual and you should be familiar with that material. In this case, the block diagram executes from left to. Labview programs are called virtual instruments, or vis, because their appearance and operation imitate physical instruments, such as oscilloscopes and multimeters. File io functions manipulate files and directories. A state machine, in simple terms, is a case structure inside a while loop, as shown. Appendix a of the g programming reference manual discusses the data. Labview retains the controls palette position and size so when you restart labview, the palette appears in the same position and has the same size.
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